

Professor Grażyna Jurkowlaniec

Professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw (M.A. 1995, Ph.D. 2000, habilitation 2009). She specializes in art and artistic patronage between the thirteenth and sixteenth century in Europe.

Within the Reframed Image research project she focuses on the Polish recipients of Italian engravings and the illustrations of prints produced in the Kingdom of Poland and the Duchy of Prussia in the second half of the sixteenth century.

Selected publications:
– The Agency of Things in Medieval and Early Modern Art. Materials, Power and Manipulation, eds Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Ika Matyjaszkiewicz, Zuzanna Sarnecka, New York: Routledge 2018
– Geneza i recepcja drzeworytów na kartach tytułowych kazań Lutra o sakramentach z 1519 roku, in: Rocznik Historii Sztuki 42 (2017): 21-42
– Confessional Images? The Luther Bible and Sixteenth-Century Biblical Illustrations in Poland, in: The Luther Effect in Eastern Europe: History, Culture, Memory, eds Joachim Bahlke, Beate Störtkuhl and Matthias Weber, Berlin: DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2017, 197-209
– Sprawczość rycin. Rzymska twórczość graficzna Tomasza Tretera i jej europejskie oddziaływanie (Cracow: Universitas 2017)
– An Encyclopaedia of the Catholic Faith dedicated to Mark Sittich von Hohenems IV: an unknown engraving by Natale Bonifacio and Gijsbert van Veen republished by Giacomo Lauro, in: Barockberichte 64 (2016): 69-81
– (with Maria Crăciun) Visual cultures, in: A Companion to the Reformation in Central Europe, eds Howard Louthan and Graeme Murdock (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 412-450 ‹Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, 61›


Joanna Sikorska Ph.D.

Curator of Etchings and Drawings Cabinet at the National Museum of Warsaw, guest lecturer at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw.

Her Ph.D. thesis focused on the can reliquaries, a particularity of the Polish gold-smithery of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times. Currently, her research interests include printmaking of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the reception of prints and their relationships with other artistic media. She co-authored exhibitions, among others Albrecht Dürer. Response to His Prints in the Sixteenth Century (National Museum in Warsaw, 2002); Masters of the Pastel. From Marteau to Witkacy (National Museum in Warsaw, 2015–2016).

Selected publications:
– Odbiorcy grafiki w Królestwie Polskim. Próba charakterystyki zjawiska (XV wiek – początek XVI wieku), in: Procesy przemian w sztuce średniowiecznej, eds Rafał Eysymontt, Romuald Kaczmarek (Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, 2014), 269-277
– Schongauerowskie echo w Herbarzu Marcina Siennika / Schongauer’s echo in the Polish Herbal of 1568 by Marcin Siennik, in: Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie / Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw, NS 37 (2012): 101-110
– Relikwiarze puszkowe w Polsce (Warsaw: DiG, 2010)
– Miedzioryt XV wieku i jego odrębność w sztuce późnego średniowiecza: problemy badawcze, Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, 80 (2008): 113-139

Marcin Bogusz M.A.

Historian (M.A. at the Institute of History, University of Warsaw 2012; studies at the Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers 2009/2010) and art historian (M.A. at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw 2017). Since 2012 Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, where he prepares his Thesis Wyposażenie graficzne wczesnych druków krakowskich (1475–1547) advised by Professor Sławomir Gawlas and Dr. Grażyna Jurkowlaniec.

His research within the Reframed Image project focuses on the illustrated books printed in Cracow and printed images mentioned in the testaments of Cracow citizens in the second half of the sixteenth century.

– Kto może zostać patronem opactwa? Kilka uwag o budowaniu pamięci historycznej w opactwie Saint-Denis w XII wieku, in: Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Nauki Społeczne, 12/1 (2016): 31–56
– Sny i wizje w Historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi, in: Sen, marzenie, zaświaty w literaturze i kulturze, vol. II: Kultura, eds P. Poterała, K. Ossowska and M. Sadowski (Łódź 2017), 35–54 ‹Analecta Literackie i Językowe, 7›

Magdalena Herman M.A.

Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, where she previously gained an History of Art (2014); Principal Investigator of the research project The print collection of Jan Ponętowski in the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow (Preludium 11, 2016/21/N/HS2/02659). Her current doctoral research focuses on the history of print collecting and functions of printed images in the second half of the sixteenth century. She also works on the set of woodblocks which was continuously copied and used to illustrate Cracovian prayer books from the sixteenth to eighteenth century.

– Marzenna Ciechańska, Magdalena Herman, Dorota Dzik-Kruszelnicka, A Collection of 18th-century Chinese Wall Coverings at the Wilanów Palace, Poland. A Historical, Technological and Conservation Research Project, w: Investigation and Conservation of East Asian Cabinets in Imperial Residences (1700-1900). Lacquerware, Porcelain, Paper & Wall Hangings, eds Gabriela Kirst and Elfried Iby (Vienna: Böhlau, 2017) ‹Konservierungswissenschaft. Restaurierung. Technologie, 15›
– „Osobista wizja” Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego w kościele Bernardynów na Czerniakowie, in: Artyści znad jezior lombardzkich w nowożytnej Europie. Artisti dei laghi lombardi nell’Europa moderna, eds Mariusz Smoliński and Renata Sulewska (Warsaw: Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie, Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2015), 133-141
– Ad limina Apostolorum? Podróż Stanisława Herakliusza do Rzymu w 1687 roku, in: Barok. Historia – Literatura – Sztuka, 20/2[40] (2013): 79-95
– Portal główny kościoła Dominikanów w Krakowie. Zniszczenia i restauracje w XIX wieku, in:  Sztuka w kręgu krakowskich dominikanów, eds Anna Markiewicz, Marcin Szyma and Marek Walczak (Cracow: Esprit, 2013), 347-366 ‹Studia i Źródła Dominikańskiego Instytutu Historycznego, 13›

Marek Płuciniczak M.A.

Art historian (M.A. University of Warsaw), Head of the Education Department of the National Museum in Warsaw. Since 2015 Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, where he writes his thesis on copies in artistic historiography and collecting practices in the Northern Europe of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, supervised by Professor Antoni Ziemba. His scholarly interests include early German printmaking, its function and reception in other artistic techniques.

— Projekty rozbudowy Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie na przykładzie wybranych koncepcji z lat 60 i 90. XX wieku, in: Rerum Artis. Rocznik Studentów Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 6 (2011): 6–39
– W kręgu modernistycznej utopii. Plany rozbudowy Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie między 1945 a 1972 rokiem, in: „Na wieczną rzeczy pamięć…” Gmach Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, exh. cat., ed. Piotr Kibort, Warsaw 2017, 76-93


Piotr Kopszak Ph.D.

Curator in the Polish Art Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw in 1991–2010 and publisher. His main field of research is Polish nineteemth century painting, especially the oeuvre of Olga Boznańska.  Piotr Kopszak curated numerous exhibitions devoted to Polish painting c. 1900 (recently Symbolism in Poland and Britain, London, Tate Britain, 2009, with Alison Smith and Andrzej Szczerski); he wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on art criticism of Teodor de Wyzewa and published several popular books on Polish artists (Wojciech Gerson, Jan Stanisławski, Teodor Axentowicz and Olga Boznańska) as well as translated  to Polish Walter Pater’s Renaissance.

In 2012-2014 he was a coordinator of the EU project Partage-Plus at the National Museum in Warsaw. He is in charge of the online collection of the National Museum in Warsaw; recently collaborated with various digital humanities projects: Poezja na marginesie cywilizacji. Degradacja i odrodzenie twórczości poetyckiej w latach 1864–1894 (Poetry on the Margin of Civilisation. Degradation and Rebirth of Poetic Creativity in 1864–1894; and Nowy Korbut. Adam Mickiewicz bibliografia podmiotowa (Nowy Korbut. Adam Mickiewicz Subject Bibliography). Together with Ewa Walasek he runs Wydawnictwo Kle publishing house (

Aleksandra Fedorowicz-Jackowska  M.A.

PhD candidate at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, responsible for web graphic design of the Reframed Image project database and website.